Nie obrażaj więc mojej inteligencji poprzez czynione na pokaz zaniżanie własnej.
PART ONE In this part of the exam you are supposed to exchange personal information with your partner. The task will take approximately 3 minutes. 1.Find out as much as you can about your friend's: name where he/she comes from where he/she lives how long he/she has lived in the area if he/she has ever been abroad how he/she spent last holidays or is going to spend holidays this year details of his/her family and/or other things that you wish to know about him/her. PART TWO In this part of the exam you are supposed to talk about the possible solutions to the given problem. You may differ in opinions but still need to come to mutual conclusions at the end. The task will take approximately 4 minutes. 2. You want to spend a long May weekend with your friend. Talk about advantages and disadvantages of the options suggested below and choose the most and the least attractive one. PART THREE In this part of the exam there are two situations in which you will be asked to act in one and react in the other. The instructions are given in Polish so as not to suggest any vocabulary or grammar. You should follow the instructions carefully in order to fulfill the task. It will take approximately 3 minutes. 3. Prepare to express yourself in the following situations: Action Jestes gościem u swojego kolegi w akademiku. Proponujesz wspólne obejrzenie meczu siatkówki w telewizji. Powiedz dlaczego jest to dla Ciebie ważne. Reaction Turysta pyta Cię o drogę spod gmachu głównego AGH do teatru Bagatela. Powiedz, że można tam dojść na piechotę, co zajmie około 15 minut, lub wsiąść w tramwaj numer 4 na Placu Inwalidów. STUDENT B PART ONE In this part of the exam you are supposed to exchange personal information with your partner. The task will take approximately 3 minutes. 1.Find out as much as you can about your friend's: name where he/she comes from where he/she lives how long he/she has lived in the area if he/she has ever been abroad how he/she spent last holidays or is going to spend holidays this year details of his/her family and/or other things that you wish to know about him/her. PART TWO In this part of the exam you are supposed to talk about the possible solutions to the given problem. You may differ in opinions but still need to come to mutual conclusions at the end. The task will take approximately 4 minutes. 2. You want to spend a long May weekend with your friend. Talk about advantages and disadvantages of the options suggested below and choose the most and the least attractive one. PART THREE In this part of the exam there are two situations in which you will be asked to act in one and react in the other. The instructions are given in Polish so as not to suggest any vocabulary or grammar. You should follow the instructions carefully in order to fulfill the task. It will take approximately 3 minutes. 3. Prepare to express yourself in the following situations: Reaction Kolega, który odwiedził Cię w akademiku proponuje wspólne obejrzenie meczu siatkówki. Zgódź się z jego propozycją i zasugeruj, żebyście zamówili pizzę i coś do picia. Action Chciałbyś/chciałabyś dostać się spod gmachu głównego AGH do teatru Bagatela. Poinformuj przechodnia, że nigdy przedtem nie byłeś/byłaś w Krakowie i zapytaj go o drogę. |